Subtle negotiations by jean-francois dubeau

The Eldritch Age - volume 2 - page 16

The Eldritch Age - volume 2 - page 16

There's a subtext to this page that I hope is well translated. If not, the next page might not make as much sense as it should. It's worth pointing out, I love drawing Valadura. I want to draw a more sophisticated piece with her and I think I might do that for Halloween. In fact yes. Come back on Friday. I'll have something up for the holiday.

Next month is NaNoWriMo! NaNo is what I call 'First Christmas'. It is easily the best time of the year for me, which is strange as it's in November which is usually Affective Seasonal Depression Month or something. I.e.: The bleakest month of the year. I love it though. I love it so much. I love it because I get to feed on coffee, hang out in coffee shops and pull the rough draft of a full book out of my head. It's brilliant and I love it.

This year is different though. Stay tuned, because in the next few weeks I'm going to be dropping details about a pretty big announcement. Anyone who follows me on Facebook already knows what it is: I'm publishing a book. Come back here in the next two weeks and I'll tell you how you can get a free copy.