May I be of assistance? by jean-francois dubeau

The Eldritch Age - volume 2 - page 15

The Eldritch Age - volume 2 - page 15

One of the issues I'm facing after coming back from a three week vacation is remembering what was going through my mind when I worked on certain pages. This one feels a little lazy to me. The simple background and lack of dialogue. I'm still generally happy with it, but it feels like there should be more going on. That being said, I'm happy with my colours. They seem vibrant enough and I'm keeping a decent amount of consistency with them. I just need to learn to use them as a crutch a little less.

I'm currently working on the script for the third volume of The Eldritch Age. I really wish I could put out more than one page a week because I'm a getting impatient to tell some of the stories that are coming up. Hopefully you're all enjoying the story so far and will be with me when we get to some of the stuff that's on the way. I think you'll like it.