The Eldritch Age - volume 2 - page 12
Yeah... I get an immense kick out of drawing that redhead. She's a blast to pencil and her natural mischievous attitude makes for fun faces. She's also very high energy so I get to have her do things like lean out of windows and run and stuff. Hard not to be in love with that kind of character.
I'm realizing that de depiction of Kraythur isn't just more overweight than the inspiration, but I'm kind of presenting him as a bit of a lush. Hopefully Dustin doesn't mind. Kraythur more than makes up for all that with wisdom and experience.
I'm still on vacation in Europe this week, but I'll still be making an effort to check in on Facebook and read any comments that might once a day. If you're curious what I'm doing, you can always follow my travels on this blog I'll be trying to maintain.