The Eldritch Age - volume 2 - page 11
And here we go. Last of my three main characters. Valadura. Apprentice at the Academy of Eldritch Studies and Sciences. She's a trained illusionist recently inducted into the Eldritch Lodge, the 'department' that teaches magic.
The smiling gentleman with her is her teacher/tutor. I based him off of my friend Dusting (with his permission) using his likeness and screen name, though he turned out significantly heavier in the comic.
Also, I'm drawing dragons again. Which is neat. I love drawing dragons and I would love to have more time to do them justice. That being said, Valadura is turning out to be a joy to pencil in. Especially in later pages where I get more comfortable drawing her luxurious red hair.
As a final note, by the time you read this I'll be vacationing in Europe. I've set up the pages to update automatically and I will check for comments (you guys don't leave comments enough, I'm going to have to do a contest or something) as well as Facebook and other social media. If you're curious about the trip, follow my travels on this blog.