The Eldritch Age - volume 1 - page 20
Holy cheese! We're almost done with Volume 1 already?
I'm already a couple of pages into the second volume and I'm really enjoying working on it. I won't lie; it's a bit more challenging because of all the new decor and scenery I've had to develop and that I now have to get used to. I was taking for granted how much I'd gotten used to draw Ydriss and Xander.
By the way, I want to take a moment to thank everyone who's been reading so far. I know you're a small crew for now, but that makes each reader all that more precious. I'd really love to hear from you and know who you all are. Either by leaving comments or contacting me on Twitter (@jfdubeau) or even getting in touch with me on Facebook.
Again, thanks for reading and stick around. I just have more cool stuff coming.