The Eldritch Age - volume 3 - page 20
This page took way longer then most page and it's not that much better, but the more characters I have on a page, the more panels there are, the longer the whole thing is to do. If you look very, very carefully, you'll notice that I have most of my family of characters. So yeah.
This page came at the perfect time too because the past week has been a nightmare roller coaster. The book campaign to crowd fund my book, The Life Engineered and get it proper distribution and printing has been insane. I'm wearing out my mouse neurotically clicking 'refresh' to see how many pre-orders I have and what my rankings are.
Well, because of my awesome friends and not a little self-promotion on my part, I've crawled to, at the time of this writing, third place in this contest. What contest? Sword & Laser is having a contest on Inkshares! The five books with the most pre-orders by May 31st are going to get coaching from Gary Whitta and one of the five will be chosen to be part of the Sword & Laser collection.
As you can imagine, this is tremendously important to me. So if you've been enjoying this comic for a while and want to give back, please consider clicking on the link to the right and pre-ordering a copy today. It would mean the world to me and could potentially change my life.