Eww... Gobbos by jean-francois dubeau

The Eldritch Age - volume 2 - page 18

The Eldritch Age - volume 2 - page 18

Almost done with Volume 2, including the return of the Monitor Drake! I think we all know what that means don't we? If we don't, we might want to read Volume 1 again.

I don't have much to say about this page except that, after doing an entire month of drawing a fairy a day for Inktober, I was sort of disappointed with the level of art I've been using in The Eldritch Age. I think I can do better. I think that for Volume 3, there will be a slight improvement to the quality. We'll see if I can commit to that.

On a more important note: Holy smokes! I'm publishing a book! It's self publishing but whatever, I'm still damn proud of my little novel. It's science fiction. It's got robots, like everywhere and so far people who've read it have loved it. I highly encourage you to have a look at the first few chapters by visiting my book section and downloading the PDF. Then, when next Tuesday comes, head to Amazon through the same page and get The Life Engineered for free in digital format! Or, if you're so inclined, get the physical edition. I'm going to see if I can get it that people who buy the physical also get the digital for free.

I'll have more information on the day of publication but for now, go read the preview. See if that's something you could get into.