miniature portfolio

A quick and dirty portfolio of my works as a war gaming miniature painter and modeller. This is a sampling of the pieces I could find that seem worth showing. Come back once in a while to see more work in progress and additions to these galleries.

Bronze Daemon in Battle Scenes at the 2004 Canadian Golden Daemon competition

Bronze Daemon in Battle Scenes at the 2004 Canadian Golden Daemon competition

Adeptus Mechanicus

Current Work In Progress


Firestorm Armada

Ice Orks

Best Appearance at Adepticon 2011, National Team Tournament 40K


Best Presentation at multiple local events and Conflict Ottawa

Tau Empire

Best Theme and Presentation at Adepticon 2013, National Team Tournament 40K

Eldar Harlequins

Best Appearance at Adepticon 2015, National Team Tournament 40K

Eldar Saim-Hann army

"Death or Glory"

Honorable mention at Games Day Canada 2009